What Experts Say About Which Is Better

What’s the Difference Between Black Beans and Pinto Beans?

Black beans and pinto beans have many similarities, but they’re not the same when it comes to uses in the kitchen.

Black Beans

Cooked black beans have a soft, black skin and a sweet taste. You’ll find them in many Central American, South American, and Caribbean dishes.

These beans are good sources of fiber and protein. “That is important because both these nutrients contribute to a feeling of fullness, or satiety, which works to prevent overeating throughout the day and into the evening,” says Lena Bakovic, RDN, of Top Nutrition Coaching in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

These legumes are also packed with other nutrients and are low in fat, says Stephen Vogel, MD, a family medicine physician with PlushCare in Carrboro, North Carolina. Black beans contain nutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Plus, they’re versatile. “Black beans are sturdy and have a savory flavor, making them a great addition to chilis, salsas, salads, and grain-based dishes,” says Jessie Anderson, RDN, who’s also at Top Nutrition Coaching, in Fayetteville, North Carolina.